basic html seo tags

Basic Seo Tags

Onpage Seo is one of the main strategy for organic seo.  To process the onpage you need basic important html tags which boost serp ranking and crawl rate of the particular website link.  These basic seo tags help to improve the visibility of keywords natural view and gives best result in Google search engine. Checkout the below basic tag attributes which determines the quality and relevance of search engine optimization.

  • Canonical Tag

The canonical tag attribute rel = canonical helps to avoid duplication of content by making similar urls are same.  This solves the issue of search engine ranking by showing a particular link as unique.

<link rel=”canonical” href=”webpage link” />

  • Image Alt Tag

Image for the web page content boost people to read the article and also helps to get good ranking for the website.  Not only an image tag will be preference for the seo view with this relevancy of alt and title attribute gives more accessibility of the webpage. So choose a best keyword for the image description to increase the quality of website.

<img src=“img link” alt=“img description” title=“img tip”/>

  • Hreflang Tag

The hreflang attribute tag tells google search engine about the use of language type in a specific webpage. So users can view the result as per their native regional language.

<link rel=”alternate” href=”webpage link” hreflang=”en-us” />